Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Rescued Duck, image via Farm Sanctuary
In the midst of the holiday season, I wanted to share some of my favorite organizations that could use our support.  Since becoming a vegan, I have learned a lot about Farm Sanctuary, a fabulous place in New York and California that provides rescued farm animals with a safe, cruelty free place to live.  I love looking at the Animal Spotlights on their website... the stories are so moving, and they serve to reinforce the positive impact a cruelty free lifestyle can have.  I fell in love with this little guy:
Bob Harper, image via Farm Sanctuary

He fell off a truck that was transporting him from one factory farm to another, when a kind-hearted motorist picked him up.  He was super underweight and malnourished, and the motorist cared for him and then contacted Farm Sanctuary so he could move there and have a safe, happy life.

It is so easy, and truly affordable, to become involved with the amazing organization.  A contribution of $20 or more entitles you to a one year membership, which includes a newsletter, discounts at their Bed & Breakfast, and the ability to visit the Sanctuary at any time.  This is an excellent Christmas gift for any animal lover you know (or, of course, yourself).  I am hoping to visit Farm Sanctuary next summer, so I am definitely going to make a holiday donation. 

image via Girl Effect

I was first introduced to Girl Effect when Kimia posted about it, and once you watch this you have to get involved (sorry the video is so big... you may want to go to YouTube to watch it):

We are so lucky to have such privileges in this part of the world, and imagine how much better this world would be if women everywhere were given the same opportunities.  It is so easy to give, you can text GIRL to 50555 to automatically give $10, or you can donate online, either a onetime gift or a recurring monthly donation.

Also, I wanted to share a pact Chelsea and Joanna made.  For a week they are refraining from complaining, and I am accepting the challenge this week.  Think how much more time we would all have to be happy if we did not waste any time complaining :)  I will let you know how it goes!

What organizations do you love to give to?  I am always on the lookout for new missions to support!


Matt & Nat on HauteLook

Hello Loves!

I know this is cutting it close, but I just wanted to let you know that Matt & Nat's fabulous vegan handbags are on sale on HauteLook for INSANELY discounted prices (you have to sign up with the site, but I promise it is worth it!).  The sale ends at 8 a.m. Pacific Time on 12/20... so I will most likely spend this evening trying to convince my husband that at least one of these fabulous bags would look excellent under our Christmas tree :)  If you have not heard of these bags, they are not just vegan.  Each lining is made from an average of 21 recycled plastic bottles, and the bags often contain other recycled elements.  All the pieces are chic in a perfectly edgy, slightly French sort of way, so I obviously heart them.  Here are the ones that have caught my eye (get ready... there are a lot!):

Hendrix Chain Strap Bag, image via HauteLook

The multiple chain straps!  The zipper trim!  Swoon... this bag would make the transition from office to evening seamlessly. 

Ashbery Clasp Wallet, image via HauteLook

 I love a bright wallet... it makes it so much easier to find it in my gigantic purses.  The strap also means this doubles as a super cute clutch when you want to travel lightly. 

Laroux Flap Front Cross Body Bag, image via HauteLook

 Studded and powder blue... need I say more?

Rilo Shoulder Bag, image via HauteLook

This is the PERFECT over-the-shoulder carryall.  Vegan handbags this polished are few and far between, I am thrilled to find one this professional. 

Ritual Crossbody Bag, image via HauteLook

If I were still in school, I would make this my impossibly chic bookbag.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I will probably do that anyway!

This discounts average about 65% off, making these awesome pieces surprisingly affordable.  Happy shopping!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Surprise Weekend in Chicago

Hello loves!

I know, I know.  I promised last week I would not disappear.  And then I did.  This holiday season has managed to keep me much busier than anticipated (maybe it is the whole married thing... haha).  Victor and I planned a quick trip out to Chicago to visit his family for an early holiday celebration.  Well, due to the snowstorm that swept across the country, we were treated to two extra days in Illinois.  Our family was thrilled, and so were we, although we were both a little low on undies, which necessitated an impromptu shopping trip.  I snagged these adorable (and vegan!) Hanky Panky underwear.

Mad About Plaid and Black Original Rise Thong, image via Hanky Panky

I have Hanky Panky thongs for all occasions (a wedding pair that says "Mrs." in blue rhinestones, a pink Valentine's Day pair with hearts), but I never even thought I needed holiday underwear.  But when they are this cute, how can you say no?  Bonus - when I finally make the trip to Scotland I have been dreaming of since I was a child, I will have the underwear for the journey.

On another note, I need to take a minute to say a HUGE thank you to my husband.  I have mentioned before that Victor is not at all a vegan, and for him, going home means returning not only to his family's delicious Arabic cooking, but also to all the local restaurants and specialties we do not have out on the East Coast.  BUT, not one of these beloved treats are vegan.  So, it was a tough weekend for me food wise.  I had really been in a groove cooking for myself and eating well before we left, so the dairy slip-ups really made me feel crummy.  When we discovered that we would be staying for two extra days, my beloved husband found me a LIST of vegan restaurants in Chicago.  So I unexpectedly got to try The Chicago Diner.

image via The Chicago Diner

I LOVED it, and everything I tried was delicious.  Even the hubby found something delicious to eat (although he stopped for a sausage sandwich on the way... gotta love him!).  Victor had non-dairy hot chocolate (which he had to admit was delicious), Chips & Guacamole, and Mashed Potatoes with a Side of Gravy.  I went for the Avocado Tostadas, which were insane and tasted so comforting and delicious on the FREEZING day we went.  I also had a side of Steamed Kale (I could probably have an entire blog about kale... my obsession is that intense) and Mac & Cheeze, mostly because I was curious.  Let's just say, I no longer miss the original.  In fact, I love that this dish recreated the texture without the heaviness of the traditional cheese based Mac & Cheese. 

I am sorry I do not have any photos... my food photography skills need some serious work.  I am definitely working on it.  So loves - have you been to any delicious vegan restaurants lately?  Please share!


Monday, December 6, 2010

Elephant Love

I have found my favorite Christmas gift from a very surprising source (Banana Republic?!? Who would have thought?).  I am in love with this bag.  It is perfect in so many ways.  The slightly slouchy shape!  The vegan friendly cotton fabric!  The SEQUINED elephant! 

Cotton Elephant Tote, image via Banana Republic
The only question is what color I should invest in for myself and loved ones?  I am partial to Blue, but the Silver (looks gold to me) is classic and adorable.  Decisions, decisions. 


Friday, December 3, 2010

A Cruelty-Free Interview Outfit


I am so sorry I have been away for so long.  The job search has been occupying a lot of my time, but hopefully I will have some good news coming soon, so keep your fingers crossed!

But no worries... my time away was not in vain!  I was presented with an interesting challenge this week when I was shopping for a vegan interview outfit.  I discovered that although my casual wardrobe has easily transitioned away from animal products, I am still drawn to wool and silk when I want to dress up.  I was a bit pressed for time in finding an outfit, so using the internet was unfortunately not an option.  So I hit the mall... and was remarkably successful, although I noticed the shopping process takes longer than it used to!  I got an adorable, professional outfit from J. Crew, which is but no means completely vegan, but does offer up some adorable options.  So here is my loot:

Oversized Lace Tee, image via J. Crew

The neckline on this top is perfect.  It shows skin without being revealing, and has a loose, but not shapeless fit.  Best of all, it is soft and silky without being silk!

Matte Jersey Curator Pant, image via J. Crew

Alright, I am obsessed with these pants.  They are slouchy and comfy, but look so chic when paired with heels.  They have that sort of effortless European look I am always striving for.  And they are on sale!  Plus, my dream job is a Museum Curator, so I thought the name was a sign of good sign... I know... NERD ALERT! 

Since I was a shoehorse in my pre-vegan days, I decided to wear a pair of shoes I had (which were unfortunately leather) because I honestly have no need for a new pair of shoes, so I thought it would be best to use what I had.  BUT, if I did need shoes, I would get these ones:

Sea Heel, image via olsen Haus

Aren't they adorable?  When I need shoes, these ones are at the top of my list :)

I promise I will not disappear again!  I have a lot of great things planned, so stayed tuned loves!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Even though I have not eaten turkey since I was 13, I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving.  It probably has something to do with the fact that my birthday is always either on or around the holiday... hehe.  This year is especially exciting because I am hosting my first Thanksgiving!  I am starting small, with just the hubs and the rents, but I am still a little nervous.  I am making list galore and keeping my fingers crossed that it comes off the ground.

I am planning to make Pecan Crusted Seitan from The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone (I don't think I have mentioned how obsessed I am with this book... let's just say it is the reason I am a vegan, and I quote Alicia ALL THE TIME).  I will let you know how it turns out, and I promise I will take pictures!

I am going to post about this weekend and all the fun soon... my camera is out of batteries and I cannot find any in my apartment... oh my!

I love it!  Except for the cheese... image via AHeirloom

Since the holidays are just around the corner, I wanted to start sharing some adorable gifts I have come across.  I am dying to get this Maine-shaped cutting board with a heart on Kennebunkport (that's where Victor and I tied the knot), and I want to get one for everyone in my family to represent their home state. 


Thursday, November 18, 2010


I even heart the font... image via Pinterest
I know I am approximately a million years behind the rest of the blog world in discovering this, but I am obsessed with Pinterest.  The concept is brilliant.  Once you sign up, you paste a link that says "Pin it" in your toolbar, and whenever you see something you love, you hit it.  And voila... it is saved in an organized board with a link and everything!  Talk about instant gratification :)

I have spent the better part of the morning playing, having received my invitation last night.  Here is my Dream Home board... please take a look and let me know what you think!  PS - you may recognize some of the images... let's just say I REALLY have a thing for ferm Living.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lanvin for H&M

Full disclosure: I have no idea if this collection is vegan.  Let's say I am keeping my fingers crossed that they are using a lot of satin and no silk...

Anywho, I have a thing for Lanvin.  I think it has something to do with the adorableness that is Alber Elbaz.  And the innate sexiness of everything Lanvin.  So, I will be on line bright and early hoping to get a (vegan) piece of the action.  I am heading to Washington, D.C. this weekend, and luckily there is an H&M there that carries the new line.  Here is a list of my favorite pieces:

I feel like this is a look that would get a lot of mileage. There are so many adorable ways to style it, I could keep re-inventing it all winter.

OMG it is yellow! I really don't feel the need to explain this anymore...

So classic, but still modern and whimsical.

I will let you know how the wait goes, and of course, share my loot (if it is vegan, of course). They also have great jewelry, as well as some purses which seem to be vegan.

So... anyone have any must see D.C. suggestions? I want them all!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

10% Off at Kaight!


Hurry over to Girlie Girl Army now and check out the blog post by Kate McGregor, the owner of Kaight, a fabulously curated eco-friendly clothing and accessory store in New York.  Not only does she offer some stellar tips about designers who recycle, but she is also offering 10% off online and in stores for Girlie Girl Army readers!  Hurry!

I think 10% off might finally rationalize the purchase of this bad boy:

image via Kaight
Vegans need to say dry (and warm) too, right?  I love so many Loomstate designs (although they are sadly not all vegan)... I think this adorable jacket would just be the beginning.  

Believe me, Kaight has so much amazing stock that I could not even whittle it down to a list of things I want/need/love - it would encompass the entire site.  Needless to say, any place I can find TOMS, Olsen Haus, and Matt & Nat all under one roof is right up my alley! (Can you tell I have a thing for accessories?)

Hope you are all as excited as I am about this :)


Monday, November 15, 2010

ferm Living

I have been obsessed with Apartment Therapy since the days when I was still living with my parents in my itsy-bitsy bedroom, but now that I have my own space it is downright intoxicating.  I check it all the time when I should be doing other things (like searching for gainful employment... oops!).  However, this post resonated with me more than most.  It was so refreshing to see something outside the usual spectrum of affordable home decor sites (don't get me wrong - I still love you Ikea/Crate & Barrel/West Elm!). Best of all, I discovered ferm Living, which is great for me but very bad for my wallet.  Here is a brief sampling of the wonders that exist:

image via ferm Living

Don't you just adore the styling?  We have this wall in our kitchen that you cannot nail anything into because it surrounds the chimney, and I think this would be perfect there.  And it is reusable!

image via ferm Living

My husband actually laughed at me when I showed him this (he produces an absurd amount of laundry), but I think a his and hers would be perfect.  I am enamored with the idea of getting the laundry off the floor, considering our current hamper is hogging an entire valuable corner of our bedroom.

image via ferm Living

Ignore the price on this one, just fantasize... We just moved a wooden bookcase into the living room this weekend and I am itching to jazz it up a little by painting or wallpapering the back panel.  Let's just say this is the wallpaper of my dreams...

image via ferm Living

I don't even have anything specific to say about this... it is just so pretty.

There are a quite a few other great sites in this post, and believe me, I have only scratched the surface of the wonder that is ferm Living.  Try not to buy everything darlings!



go now!

Pure Citizen is having a sale on Cri de Couer today!  The prices are INSANE and they have an adorable selection, including these over-the-knee darlings I have been eyeing since I gave up leather.

oh the possibilities!  image via Pure Citizen

Too bad they don't have the bags too...

Shop all you want, it is for a good cause!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Never too early to start shopping

My big dream for this winter is to have a holiday party in our new apartment. I am seduced by the ideas of holiday tunes, passed hors d'oeuvres, glittery accessories and decorations, and of course, cookies. So naturally, I am already shopping for my outfit.  I think this bad boy is the winner!

image via nimli

I love love love Nixxi, and I know that Vegan Kyla and Nixxi will have a long and loving relationship. I think I will have to splurge on a pair of Olsen Haus shoes to match!

On a slightly related note, the holidays sure will have a different flavor without dairy or eggs. I will share the adventures and misadventures of my cruelty free holiday, but I want to hear yours too! What are you eating and baking? But most importantly, what are you wearing?


OBSESSED with EmersonMade.

So I was introduced to this ADORABLE company when I was planning my wedding and their gorgeous flowers were popping up on every wedding blog I followed.  But I did not know until recently that EmersonMade. made clothing... and this discovery has been dangerous.  Now, not everything is vegan, there is a fair amount of silk and wool and mother of pearl buttons, but there are plenty of fantastic organic cotton goodies to keep us cruelty free gals satisfied.  Here is a brief list of pieces I am going to buy myself:

image via EmersonMade.
This is so chic.  And French.  And nautical.  And she looks so happy wearing it, how could you not love it?

image via EmersonMade.
When I get a job, I am going to buy this cotton stunner and wear it with a non-leather belt
 (and shoes and bag of course) as my go-to professional look.  

image via EmersonMade.
There is almost too much to love about this photo.  A full cotton skirt!  Wellies!  Chickens!

image via EmersonMade.
I think I need to purchase this dress for my honeymoon to Mexico in January.
Would it be excessive to get it in blue as well?  I think not...
I was also thrilled to discover while I was poking around the site that you can get the fabulous oversized flower pins in cruelty free linen (!!!) AND EmersonMade. is based out of one of my favorite places on earth, Portsmouth, New Hampshire!  I have spent my entire life heading up the East Coast to Southern Maine for summer vacation (I even tied the knot up there... but that is a story for another day), and Portsmouth has always been my favorite destination on the way up for shopping, eating and adorable-ness.  My favorite stops are Gus & Ruby Letterpress (I am obsessed with all things paper) and the Portsmouth Brewery (and let's face it, I am a sucker for a microbrewery).  

Try not to fill your shopping cart too full of goodies...

Has anyone else been to Porstmouth?  Are you as obsessed as I am?



image via The Sartorialist

Although not always vegan friendly, I love to search for style inspiration on The Sartorialist.  I love how effortless the looks are.  I often imagine that my dream wardrobe would be one in which every piece went perfectly with every other piece, so I could throw on these fabulous ensembles and allow my top to slip off my shoulder for some added sex appeal.

image via The Sartorialist


This week many of the images in the site have been from Madrid, and I am having trouble finding a style I do not covet.  My obsession with Spain is not a secret, and I sit my husband down weekly to discuss my five year plan which involves relocating to Barcelona.  This conversation always ends with him informing me that since he works for BMW, Germany is a more realistic European destination.  I agree, and then make him promise that if we moved there, we could jaunt over to Spain every other weekend.  But again I digress...

image via The Sartorialist

So enjoy, and be obsessed like I am.  I will be here, growing my hair, so I can wear it long and messy under a fedora...

image via The Sartorialist


ps - I even love this tiny child's style!

image via The Sartorialist

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Taking a short break...

Hi Loves!

So the past few days I have been doing a lot of work to find a day job (I have been unemployed since I graduated in May) so the blog has been put on the back burner for the time being.  I am still working on some really great things to be published later this week, so definitely check back!

In the meantime, I was wondering if there were any movies you love the style of which you would like to see receive a vegan makeover.  I have a few in the works, but I want your input!

For now, here is some vegan eye candy...

image via net-a-porter

Oh Stella, you do it to me every time!


Friday, November 5, 2010

If I could get my hands on this...

image via nixxi

... I would not even miss leather (or wool)!

Oh my gosh I love the entire site!  I am going to add many of these items to my birthday wish list...


Get the (Vegan) Look: The Edge of Love

                                         image via imdb.com

Hello Loves!

One of my favorite sources of fashion inspiration is the movies, obviously, but it can be a little tough to steal celebrity style and remain cruelty-free.  So, my plan is to look at one fashionable and fabulous movie every week and rework the style into an inspired vegan look.  I want to start with a movie I saw about a year ago, and has been a huge style inspiration ever since.  The Edge of Love is a British period piece (I have yet to come across one of these that I do not like, I think I have an addiction) that takes place during World War II.  It stars Keira Knightley (!!) and Siena Miller (!) so the fashion has this awesome vintage boho vibe that I am obsessed with.  I do not want to spoil anything, because you MUST watch this movie, but at one point they move to the rugged seaside of the British Isles (I think it is Wales) and both women adopt this adorable style which includes wearing floral dresses and pleated skirts with fisherman sweaters and wellies.  Yes, it might not sound like the perfect style to romp around urban America in, but I think using this look as a template can inspire some adorable, youthful outfits.  So, without further ado, here is my vegan makeover of The Edge of Love:

First up, Siena.  Her characters look is a little more eclectic, so layering pieces is key.
Hat, Shirt, Skirt, Leggings

Tuck the lace shirt into the high-waisted skirt, and wear the thermal leggings underneath to keep the chill away.  I was so thrilled to find a chambray hat!  So adorable!

Keira's look is so youthful, and looks so amazingly effortless.  I just want to fill my closet with floral dresses and vegan knits so I can dress like this every single day!

Dress, Sweater

I chose this dress, but to be honest, Marc by Marc Jacobs and Free People both have tons of adorable vegan dress options.  Also, while I was researching this post, I discovered this awesome line Express has called (MINUS THE), which creates these adorable pieces in faux fur, suede and leather.  They are reasonably priced, and really cute!  How do you feel about faking it?

The finishing touch for each look is a fabulous wellie... I think the original is the way to go.  And Hunter is vegan, so why not?

Hope you love this look as much as I do.  I think the chilly weather we are having here in the Northeast makes this style even more appealing... snuggling in sweaters and boots is so cozy and cute!

Have a wonderful weekend!  What are you up to?  I am having a friend over for brunch, so I am going to try some new recipes from the Babycakes Cookbook


Creating a Cruelty-Free Home

This is my view!  I am obsessed...

I cannot deny that I spend as much time, if not more, shopping for my teeny tiny apartment as I do shopping for my clothes.  So, Friday is going to be dedicated to - you guessed it - FURNITURE!  (You have got to love alliteration!)

So, I wanted to tell you a little bit about the place I live.  My husband and I just moved into an adorable apartment two months ago, so we are still trying to get it set up to our liking.  We live in the attic apartment of a Victorian style house, and the best part is that our bedroom has a stunning view of Manhattan.  We are so spoiled, we wake up to a beautiful sunrise over the river every morning!  Our living space is very little, so each piece is very carefully considered before we decide if it is going to make the cut and be allowed into our apartment.  Right now we are in the market for an armchair for our living room.  

My most recent obsession is West Elm, and I spent about two hours browsing the other day.  I am OBSESSED with this arm chair, I am just afraid it won't fit up my stairs (the doorway is a mere 21 inches wide... we had to take our couch apart to get it up to the apartment!).  Our couch has no arms, so I have been searching for something with more structure to finish off our living room.  

image via West Elm

While I was at West Elm, the sales woman was telling me how awesomely green (and vegan!) this awesome chair is.  There is recycled steel, sustainably produced wood, and the cushions are even recycled, while still being super comfy.  Do you know any other comfy, affordable cruelty-free furniture options?


I'm Back!

image via alkeemi (I think this one is my fave!)

Hello Loves!

So this week has been much crazier than anticipated.  My husband got bronchitis, passed it onto me, and I had an eventful visit to the local Social Security office so I could officially become Kyla Gizzi-Najjar.  But now I am back and super excited about all the great things I have planned!

For now, I wanted to point out something a little off topic, but totally awesome.  Alkeemi is one of my favorite blogs, and Kimia is an AMAZING artist.  I was so excited to see that she opened a shop this week so we can all own some of her incredible work!  You have to go... I want all of the prints!

I will be back soon with more vegan posts!  Have a great Friday!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Perfect Timing...

I was so excited to get an e-mail from Girlie Girl Army about Pure Citizen, this new eco-friendly daily sale site.  I signed up immediately!  They do not have a specific vegan section, but there is plenty to work with. And the best part is you have to option to donate your savings to charity!  I love when shopping makes me feel this good...


Friday, October 29, 2010


Keeping with the one for one theme, I came across this company while I was browsing at Kate's Paperie in NYC, and I am completely obsessed with this idea.  This Canadian, eco-friendly company donates school supplies to children for every product purchased.  I have a pretty major obsession with paper, and I think a company that works so hard to foster creativity should be commended.   I definitely want to make this Teatime EcoNotebook my own...

Ok, who am I kidding, I could buy pretty much the whole website!  Their designs just make me happy.  Love love LOVE!


As if I needed another reason to love them...

I was already a Toms devotee before becoming a vegan, so I was thrilled that they had options for us cruelty free fashionistas.  And these babies just seemed to call to me...

The hubby is Middle Eastern, and I have found myself being drawn to these awesome geometric patterns in clothing and decorating since we met.  I guess I am trying to fit in... hehe.

Thank you so much for being with me so far!  Next week I will start with some more organized posts, so get excited!  Have a wonderful weekend!  

And of course, Happy Halloween!  Anyone have any vegan chic costumes that they want to share?  I would LOVE pictures!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vegan Score!

The kittens like my bag too...

I just wanted to share this awesome bag I found on my first official vegan shopping trip.  I have been bitten by the shopping bug lately, so instead of spending money I decided to clean out my closet and do a good old fashioned clothing exchange.  I headed over to Brooklyn and went to Beacon's Closet in Park Slope (which I highly recommend), and sold six bags of clothing in exchange for a hefty store credit.  I got two tops, a gold non-leather belt, and this excellently vegan Marc by Marc Jacobs bag (I have more store credit left too!). It was only $24.95, but the bag still had tags on it, and it was $158 at Barney's originally. Not going to lie, I was on a high after I found it.  Now I just have to find myself a nice vegan wallet to go with my pretty new purse.

Do you have any great vegan scores lately?  I want to hear about it!


Babycakes Applesauce

This is the last bowl... it is just so good!

So, I am sure any self respecting vegan knows about the FABULOUS Erin McKenna and the genius that is Babycakes Bakery. I am lucky enough to be a stone's throw from NYC so I have gotten to visit this palace of vegan confections (actually, closet is a more accurate size description, but it is chock full of deliciousness).

So, I am of course working on expanding my repertoire of vegan confections, so I got the cookbook.  Ok, full disclosure - I bought the cookbook for my mother for her birthday and then stole it.  Let's just say I have a history of doing this.  I will get my own soon.  Any who... I began making the roasted apples so I could make a vegan apple pie.  The only problem, they are so DELICIOUS I literally cannot save enough to make a pie.  They just vanish.  Even my carnivorous, junk food loving husband likes them, and he hardly likes anything that came from the earth.  I mash the roasted apples up with a potato masher to make applesauce, grab a spoon, and enter nirvana.  YUM!

Has anybody else tried this?  Any other suggestions of MUST eats from Babycakes?
