Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Even though I have not eaten turkey since I was 13, I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving.  It probably has something to do with the fact that my birthday is always either on or around the holiday... hehe.  This year is especially exciting because I am hosting my first Thanksgiving!  I am starting small, with just the hubs and the rents, but I am still a little nervous.  I am making list galore and keeping my fingers crossed that it comes off the ground.

I am planning to make Pecan Crusted Seitan from The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone (I don't think I have mentioned how obsessed I am with this book... let's just say it is the reason I am a vegan, and I quote Alicia ALL THE TIME).  I will let you know how it turns out, and I promise I will take pictures!

I am going to post about this weekend and all the fun soon... my camera is out of batteries and I cannot find any in my apartment... oh my!

I love it!  Except for the cheese... image via AHeirloom

Since the holidays are just around the corner, I wanted to start sharing some adorable gifts I have come across.  I am dying to get this Maine-shaped cutting board with a heart on Kennebunkport (that's where Victor and I tied the knot), and I want to get one for everyone in my family to represent their home state. 



  1. I love this! What a nice gift idea! Thanks for suggesting this one!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  3. that cutting board is so cute :) and pecan encrusted seitan sounds WAY better than turkey.

  4. Adorable!! I love that cutting board.
