Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Surprise Weekend in Chicago

Hello loves!

I know, I know.  I promised last week I would not disappear.  And then I did.  This holiday season has managed to keep me much busier than anticipated (maybe it is the whole married thing... haha).  Victor and I planned a quick trip out to Chicago to visit his family for an early holiday celebration.  Well, due to the snowstorm that swept across the country, we were treated to two extra days in Illinois.  Our family was thrilled, and so were we, although we were both a little low on undies, which necessitated an impromptu shopping trip.  I snagged these adorable (and vegan!) Hanky Panky underwear.

Mad About Plaid and Black Original Rise Thong, image via Hanky Panky

I have Hanky Panky thongs for all occasions (a wedding pair that says "Mrs." in blue rhinestones, a pink Valentine's Day pair with hearts), but I never even thought I needed holiday underwear.  But when they are this cute, how can you say no?  Bonus - when I finally make the trip to Scotland I have been dreaming of since I was a child, I will have the underwear for the journey.

On another note, I need to take a minute to say a HUGE thank you to my husband.  I have mentioned before that Victor is not at all a vegan, and for him, going home means returning not only to his family's delicious Arabic cooking, but also to all the local restaurants and specialties we do not have out on the East Coast.  BUT, not one of these beloved treats are vegan.  So, it was a tough weekend for me food wise.  I had really been in a groove cooking for myself and eating well before we left, so the dairy slip-ups really made me feel crummy.  When we discovered that we would be staying for two extra days, my beloved husband found me a LIST of vegan restaurants in Chicago.  So I unexpectedly got to try The Chicago Diner.

image via The Chicago Diner

I LOVED it, and everything I tried was delicious.  Even the hubby found something delicious to eat (although he stopped for a sausage sandwich on the way... gotta love him!).  Victor had non-dairy hot chocolate (which he had to admit was delicious), Chips & Guacamole, and Mashed Potatoes with a Side of Gravy.  I went for the Avocado Tostadas, which were insane and tasted so comforting and delicious on the FREEZING day we went.  I also had a side of Steamed Kale (I could probably have an entire blog about kale... my obsession is that intense) and Mac & Cheeze, mostly because I was curious.  Let's just say, I no longer miss the original.  In fact, I love that this dish recreated the texture without the heaviness of the traditional cheese based Mac & Cheese. 

I am sorry I do not have any photos... my food photography skills need some serious work.  I am definitely working on it.  So loves - have you been to any delicious vegan restaurants lately?  Please share!


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